The ERUS meeting is the premier European robotic live-urological surgery meeting. The meeting provides practical teaching for daily urological practice. Theoretical updates on clinical practice are combined with three days of live-surgery. The ERUS meeting also features the Junior ERUS-YAU programme, the ERUS-EAUN Robotic Urology Nursing Meeting and ESU courses. During the ERUS meeting attendees will: Registration for ERUS25 will open soon.Scientific Programme
Scientific programme hours (CEST)
Wednesday 10 September
Thursday 11 September
Friday 12 September
ERUS 08:10-18:30
ERUS 08:00-18:30
ERUS 08:30-13:35
EAUN 08:45-16:20
ESU course 3 10:30-13:00
Junior ERUS-YAU 08:30-13:35
ESU course 1 10:30-13:00
ESU course 4 14:00-16:00
ESU course 2 14:30-17:00