Abstract Submission

e-Poster instructions

Please click here to download the e-poster instructions.

ERUS25 Abstracts

The scientific committee will make a selection of abstracts according to their scientific merits. The three best poster and the three best video abstracts will be selected for a two-minute presentation as part of the main ERUS25 Scientific Programme.

YAU Robotic Urology Working Group Abstracts

The scientific committee will make a selection of abstracts according to their scientific merits. The most valuable poster and video will be awarded. The first author should be less than 40 years old and be present at the congress.

ERUS-EAUN Abstracts

Abstract Submission is available for OR nurses and RNFAs working in robot-assisted urology surgery at Europe’s biggest event dedicated to robotic urology nursing. The posters and videos will be presented during the ERUS-EAUN Nursing programme on 10 September.

The scientific committee will make a selection of abstracts according to their scientific and practical merits. The most valuable poster and video will be awarded. The first author should be a nurse or assistant working in robotics and be present at the congress.


Presenters of the accepted abstracts are eligible to win one of the best abstracts awards granted during the meeting. Aside from the recognition and certificates, abstract winners of the ERUS25 and the YAU meeting will receive a free registration for ERUS26.

Abstract submission open 15 March 2025
Abstract submission deadline 13 June 2025 (23:59:59 CEST)
Abstract outcome 2 July 2025 (23:59:59 CEST)
Abstract session types Unmoderated e-posters and videos
Poster abstracts
Video abstracts
Abstract presentation types Poster ERUS
Video ERUS
Poster YAU
Video YAU


  • Abstracts can only be submitted through the online abstract submission system.
  • Faxed, e-mailed or mailed abstracts will not be accepted
  • Please go to ‘Rules’ at http://abstracts.uroweb.org for detailed information on the abstract submission rules

Click here for the topic list


The accepted abstracts of ERUS25 are going to be published online in the ERUS25 Resource Centre, in the ERUS25 app and as an online supplement by Elsevier on European Urology Open Science. If you do not want your poster(s) or video(s) published online please send an email to erus@congressconsultants.com before 7 August 2025.

Please note: Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the European Association of Urology and any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility of the author(s)


Abstract submission opens 15 March 2025.