General Information

Abstract submission open: 15 March 2025.
Abstract submission deadline: 1 June 2025.
For more information about the abstract selection, presentations and awards click here.

Access to the Session Rooms
Only congress delegates, with a valid badge, have access to session rooms. Seating is regulated on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend delegates to go to the session room well in advance. Due to safety regulations, the organisers will close the session room when all seats are taken. It is not allowed to stand in the aisles of the rooms.

Optimise your experience at the congress via the handy EAU app. No lugging around printed materials nor painstakingly searching for the info you need. You can easily browse through the scientific programme with its user-friendly interface. Go digital and download this eco-friendly alternative!

The app doesn’t necessarily require internet access. You can use the app offline but please note that some features will only be updated when you’re online e.g. news, tweets, etc.

Simply download this must-have app for free via the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS) download the ERUS24 event, and discover it’s many handy features.

Badge Classification
Blue: Delegate
Purple: Nurse
Pink: Special registration
Red: Press
Green: Exhibitors
Yellow: Staff

Certificate of Attendance
As of Tuesday, 16 September, you can download your certificate of attendance via your MyEAU account. Log in and you will see the main menu on the left side of your screen. Click on “Events” and select “Certificates” from the drop-down menu. Before obtaining your certificate, you will be requested to complete the evaluation questionnaire. You can find more information here.

Cloakroom and Luggage
A cloakroom is available and is at participant’s disposal during congress hours. Please be sure to collect all personal belongings at the end of the day.

CME Accreditation
More information about accreditation will be available soon.

Congress Bag
Each delegate can collect a congress bag in the registration area.

The United Kingdom’s official currency is the pound sterling (GBP).

Disclosure Request
At the beginning of their presentation(s) faculty is requested to disclose to the audience any links with the industry related to the topic of their lecture. A link can be: being a member of the advisory board or having a consulting agreement with a specific company.

Electricity supply in London is 230 Volts and the connection is made using type G plugs. Delegates from the USA will require a voltage converter and a plug adapter. Delegates from European countries using type C or F plugs will require a plug adapter.

Emergency Telephone Number
In case of emergency call the nationwide emergency number 999. In case of an emergency in the congress centre contact a security guard immediately.

An exhibition will be organised jointly with the congress. For more information please contact the EAU sales department via

Guests and Children
In compliance with the Pharma Codes, we are not allowed to register guests (including children) and they can therefore not attend this event. Unfortunately, the ERUS office cannot offer any children’s daycare facilities. If parents decide to leave their children in a part of the venue that is accessible without a badge, the ERUS office will bear no responsibility in case of incidents.

The organisers do not accept responsibility for any personal damage. Participants are strongly recommended to arrange their own personal insurance.

The congress will be conducted in English. No translation will be provided.

Live Surgery Policy
The ERUS organisers adhere to EAU’s official policy on Live Surgery Events, which offers organisers a clear framework within which to plan and perform live surgeries. The main principle for these guidelines is that patient safety must take priority over all other considerations during live surgery. Read more >

Lost and Found
Found items should be returned to the registration desk. If you lose something, please report to this desk for assistance.

Mobile Phones
The sound and photography flash of mobile phones must be switched off during all sessions.

With other delegates
You can use the ERUS25 event app to get in touch with other delegates. This networking feature is off by default, you can turn it on by logging in to the app with your MyEAU credentials through the “My Profile” menu in the top right corner.

With speakers
Delegates can also get in touch with ERUS25 speakers; in the Programme tab you will find “Speakers”, where you will see a speaker overview. Click on “Conversation” to leave them a message. You can also send them a request to meet by clicking on “Meeting”.

Opening Hours
The specific opening hours are yet to be determined and will be shared as soon as they are confirmed.

Passport and Visa
Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) for UK
ETA’s will be mandatory for travel to the United Kingdom by April 2025 and are being introduced in several stages for different nationalities over the next few months.
Depending on your nationality as shown on your passport, you may need to apply for an ETA.
Check if you need to get an ETA via this link.
You can find official information and apply for an ETA if required, via this link.
Each individual delegate is responsible for ensuring they have their own correct authorisation to enter the UK.

Photography and Filming
The ERUS Organisation will be taking photos during and between sessions. If you would prefer not to be photographed, please let us know by sending an e-mail to:

Journalists and medical/science writers can obtain free registration to the congress. Press registrations have to be made through the online registration system, more information can be found here. Journalists will receive a copy of the press pack and congress bag, to be picked up in the press centre.

All registrations should be made through the online registration system. More information can be found here.
See Opening Hours for the specific opening hours of the Registration Area in London.

See also Support below.

Resource Centre and webcasting of presentations

The ERUS25 Resource Centre provides access to all scientific content related to the congress.

As a delegate, you can access all scientific content of ERUS25. All webcasts and full-text abstracts are easily accessible through the advanced search tool.

Security and Safety
The safety of all congress attendees is of the utmost importance. The venue and ERUS have taken security precautions to ensure the maximum possible safety for all participants. All bags may be subject to inspection. Please take all personal belongings with you when leaving the session room.

Smoking Policy
Smoking (also of e-cigarettes) is not allowed throughout the entire venue, including all exhibition areas, session rooms, registration and catering areas. All participants are kindly requested to respect the no-smoking policy.

Social Media
We are using social media at the congress to encourage an open discussion on onco-urology science and experiences at the congress. Faculty, opinion leaders, delegates and media share their ideas, commentary and photos on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X. We invite you to use the following hashtag #ERUS25 and tag the EAU (@uroweb) on social media channels to discuss the congress and join the conversation

Speaker Service Centre
All presentations should be handed in at the Speaker Service Centre at least three hours prior to the start of the session. See Opening hours.

For this event we can offer you financial support with your registration fees, based on the World Bank Classification of the country you work in. Please click here for more information.

Free wireless internet will be offered in all areas and session rooms.